Steel and aluminum constructions used for ships and platforms are rigid and very resonant.
No exceptional forces are required to give rise to vibrations.

Ship & Off Shore

Steel and aluminum structures, which are used for ships and platforms, are rigid and very resonant. No exceptional forces are required to give rise to vibrations, which are then transmitted efficiently through the construction and cause large surfaces to radiate sounds.

Viscoelastic damping materials, which are used in well-designed systems, can be used to greatly reduce these problem areas
Area of noise controlProductPerformance
Interior steel deck, general
System U1, System V2, System U10, System PVP
Damping of structure borne and impact sound. Levelling of deck.
Interior steel deck, general, A-60 class decks
Floating floor PVP-2, 0/3, 0-50 steel or aluminium.
Damping of structure borne, air borne and impact sound.
Interior deck with very high demand for noise control
Combined system V2, U10 and PVP-2,0/3,0-50
Excellent damping of structure borne-, impact-, and air borne sound.
Interior steek deck, wet areas
System U1, System U10
Damping of structure borne and impact sound. Levelling of deck
Interior deck, aliminium hulled speed vessels
System U1, System U10
Damping of structure borne and impact sound. Levelling of deck.
Interior deck, aliminium hulled high speed vessels
System U1
Damping of structure borne sound. Low weight.
Bulkheads and hullsides
Damping cassettes Damping layer VS-10 Damping layer DG-U6
Damping of structure borne sound transmission.
Improved transmission loss
PVP Sandwichplåt, Swedac Powerflex
Improves transmission loss between cabins at a minimum added thickness.
Levelling of interior deck
SBR latex conrete
Constraining layer and leveling compound.

Test and certificates

Primary Deck Covering Certificate and A-60 certificate.
Approved according to EU Commission Marine Equipment (MED) 96/98 EC. DNV 0572:

System U1
Swedac DG-U1 + motskikt av stål
Primary Deck Covering
System U10
Swedac DG-U1 med motskikt av Weber 4660
Primary Deck Covering
System V2
Swedac ACM med motskikt av Weber 4660
Primary Deck Covering
Swedac PVP
Minimum 2,0/2,0 stål ovanpå 50mm mineralull
Primary Deck Covering
Swedac PVP
Minimum 2,0/3,0 stål ovanpå 50mm mineralull
A-60 Class Deck
A-60 Combi
Ett kombinerat system med många möjligheter
A-60 Class Deck
Ytbeklädnad och tilläggsisolering för skott
Med-B Surface material.

Acoustic tests

Viscoelastic Deck treatment and Floating floors:

Ödegaard & Danneskiold-Samsöe A/S report no. Note 99.1109 ØDS Ref. 99.4268

Damping cassettes:

Ödegaard & Danneskiold-Samsöe A/S report no. Note 01.1048 ØDS Ref. 01.4271